Friday, July 29, 2016

Feel good Friday ~ Stranger Things

Stranger Things is like a lost, classic, early Stephen King story. If you like It you'll love Stranger Things, and it doesn't have a terrible ending like It does!

They clearly put a LOT of effort into getting the tone and look of the early 80s just right. The clothes are spot on. The furniture looks just like the stuff I grew up with. And in case you were wondering if they cut any corners authenticity wise - in the episode "The Monster," there's a mobile that plays Brahms Lullaby, and it is the exact same mobile I had as a baby. I know this because I had the little yellow music note part that played the lullaby well into adulthood. It might still be in my mom's storage, for all I know. When I saw it I had this immediate jolt of recognition and an even bigger respect for the show. They researched everything.

I won't get into details of the show here, just watch it. I want to discuss why it resonates so much. One, Winona Ryder is awesome, and clearly something I've been missing in my life all these years. She was one of my idols growing up (Beetlejuice is easily my 2nd favorite movie), and I was so sad when she just kinda disappeared. I understand she needed to take a break for her mental health - I can't imagine being a genuine person like her in the Hollywood scene. Good lord. But I'm just glad she's back. With a vengeance. Cause she is AMAZING in this show.

Two, the nostalgia. Soo I have kind of a love/hate relationship with nostalgia, especially the 80s variety. I can't stand how much cynical pandering there's been to 80s nostalgia in the last several years, mostly to make a buck. This is why the idea of a Ghostbusters reboot pissed me off. But let's put the hate aside and get into the love, because Stranger Things is an example of nostalgia done RIGHT. Not just because they lovingly crafted every detail, but because it's a completely original project. It pays homage to some older stuff like Stephen King, but it's very much its own idea. This is what I've been asking for!

And it doesn't only appeal to 80s kids. People who weren't even born in the 80s are eating this up. And why not, it's a tight, suspenseful show with flawless acting. But I think there's even more to it, and this goes back to when I discussed the appeal of Walking Dead. From my post:

"You know an odd reason I think Walking Dead works so well? It's timeless. It doesn't pander to any demographic, because by its nature, it really can't. It appeals to a wide audience because it's life boiled down to its essence. There are no trends, no buzzwords, nothing that will make it seem dated as fuck in 5 years, in a world where things are dated increasingly faster all the time. By not trying to be cool, it's adopted a very timeless sense of cool.

People are kind of more interesting in a zombie apocalypse, is what I guess I'm saying. They're trying to find their humanity rather than escape from it. As scary as it is, I enjoy watching the simplicity of that world."

I'd say the same thing about going back in time. I think we're going to be seeing more and more shows set in a different time/place/world than our own, with how popular stuff like Stranger Things, Walking Dead, and Game of Thrones are. (I don't watch GoT, but everyone else does.) Fantasy and nostalgia are nothing new, there's always been a need for that escapism. But I think that need has reached a fever pitch in today's world, and many people might not even realize it. The truth is, I don't think too many people like the modern world very much. Oh, there are some great things, but everything has just run amok with no sense of checks and balances.

You know what I remember about the early 80s? How quiet it was. No smartphones, no social media, no 24/7 news blaring doom into your ears all day. Not that those things are inherently bad, except 24/7 news. That was a horrible idea. I couldn't go back there, knowing what I know now. I'd miss the internet, and my iPod*, and having more than 3 channels. But man, if I could go back with a clean slate? That would be tempting. I'm taking a social media break right now (except this blog, obviously), but it's not the same. Knowing it's out there, being tempted to look because there might be something positive, is not the same as the blissful quiet of negation.

*having a mix of 100s of songs at your fingertips might be the only thing I can say is 1000% better now!

I think a lot of people, even plugged-in millennials, are subconsciously yearning for simplicity. Maybe especially the more plugged-in you are. The human brain, and soul, have needs that are different from our immediate wants. Today's world is overstimulating and exhausting, and I think most of us need a break. We don't have time machines, so a show that takes us out of the noise for a while is the next best thing. And it helps that it's so damn good.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying technology is bad. I think it's great, but we've done some bad things with it and let it get out of control. The only thing I'm saying is all bad is 24/7 news, which is literally a piranha eating all our faces right now. There's just... so much that needs to be dialed back. Toned down.

So don't be surprised to see more and more hits that are somehow... off from today's society. American Horror Story is another example. Even the seasons set in the present have a certain... disreality to them. Consciously or subconsciously, we want to escape this madness we helped create. I don't know where we go from here, but as usual, art is the best outlet from reality. And, I'd argue, also helps create reality. Or creates a dialogue, anyway.

Speaking of art, the last thing I want to mention is the music in the show! A great mix of rock, pop, punk and new wave that perfectly captures the 80s landscape. Here's an awesome classic rock tune that takes you right back. I'm surprised this hasn't shown up on SPN yet. (This is actually from the late 70s, but a lot of 70s stuff was still big in the early 80s.)

Happy weekend! Raise a little hell! And I'm off on a much needed vacation. phew.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

tbt ~ Billy Idol

This song and video is like the 80s distilled into its purest form.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Who ya gonna call?

Boatdusters! Wait... Goathustlers? Mostblusters? No, that was the convention I didn't watch. Postrusters? Painthuffers? Colonel Mustard?? I don't know, it's too hard!


For most of my life, my favourite movie has meandered between Beetlejuice and Ghostbusters. Sometimes I'd say Night of the Creeps if I wanted to be different. But 1984's Ghostbusters was my first favourite. While I thought a reboot was unnecessary - whether it starred men, women, or sentient field mice - I tried to go in with an open mind.

I'll start with what didn't work for me. Number one, the villain. His first line is literally like, "I've been bullied for so long, but now I'LL be the bully!" That's lamer than a Simple Plan lyric, guys. And... that's his whole motivation for wanting to bring on the ghostpocalypse. No backstory for how he turned out that way, no fleshing out at all, just "here's a guy who acts kinda weird and people remark on how weird he's acting, because he's acting weird." He's not a character, he's a catalyst. (It just hit me who he reminded me of, the nebbishy guy who wants to turn into a fish to conquer the world (?!) in Blood Waters of Dr. Z. "They think I'm insane, THEY'RE the ones who are insane!") Except HE HAD MORE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT.

Second, the pacing. I'm not sure how such a long movie seemed so rushed at times. It felt engineered to propel the plot, rather than the plot propelling the movie. The original had excellent pacing and the plot flowed naturally. Supernaturally. Whatever, it flowed. The editing in this was weird too, like some scenes would drag on too long, while other things would just come out of nowhere. And so much just... happened, but didn't really stick.

I've not seen any other films directed by... this guy, whose name I've heard pronounced approx. 27 different ways since I started watching reviews of this thing. Paul Feig, which is pronounced, possibly, Feeg, Faig, Fig, Feg, Foog, Figue, Fedge, Fe Fi Fo Fum I Smell the Blood of an Englishman, or Finkelstein. Seriously, I've never seen so much confusion over four little letters. But based on this movie, I'm not a fan. He has this off-the-cuff style that could be charming but is mostly awkward, rambling non-jokes. I don't need to hear a list of Patrick Swayze movies or the phrase "the cat's out of the bag" repeated over and over in a movie that already feels full of holes.

Chris - the guy who played the secretary, idk, there are like 100 actors named Chris - I'm not sure what his character was about? It was like they were lampooning the dumb, sexy secretary trope, but Janine wasn't that way at all. She was savvy and awesome. There were a few funny moments, but he's so cartoonishly dumb it takes you out of the movie at times. Speaking of dumb, there was too much gross "humour." Wen I think "Ghostbusters," I don't think poop and fart jokes.

The cameos were kinda okay, but unnecessary. Annie Potts was good, and I did like Ernie Hudson as Leslie Jones' uncle, but I kinda wish her uncle had actually been Winston. I know none of the original actors played their old parts, but that would have been cool. They both love New York so much! It's perfect! Bill Murray was pretty wasted. It's like the whole joke was that it was Bill Murray, and they didn't actually do anything with him. Sigourney Weaver was okay. Dan Ackroyd had the cheesiest line in the whole movie. :/ The Harold Ramis tribute was nice.

There were a few positives - The movie generally felt affable. The actresses seemed to put their all into it. The movie kinda let them down but the characters weren't that bad, especially Patty. And yes, I did like seeing four women kick butt, even against a lame villain and underwhelming effects. Oh yeah, I didn't mention the effects. Probably because I was so underwhelmed. I did enjoy Slimer and Lady Slimer hijacking the Ecto-1, or whatever it was called here, and going for a joyride. That made me laugh. Best cameo, Slimer. So there you go.

There was a scene where lame-villain summoned a demon-ghost (that sounds way cooler than anything he actually did) at a rock show. It was kinda funny, but also had the most phoned-in Ozzy Osbourne cameo ever. Ozzy might actually be dead and appearing in this movie from the underworld, for all it felt like he was in it.

So if you're keeping score at home, that's Slimer 1, Ozzy 0.

My heart was at least somewhat with the characters. I wanted to see them in an epic fight that felt more... consequential than the CGI-fest at the end. Lame-villain transformed into a giant version of the Ghostbusters logo, and it just felt like marshmallow-man-but-not. What made the original so good was unique things like that - who expects a giant marshmallow out of nowhere? Here it was like, been there, done that. The climax felt rushed and obligatory, a means to an end, with none of the jubilance and "I love this toooooown!" of the original. I guess you can't capture that magic twice. Ghostbusters II didn't do it, either. But I never felt any real stakes, it all happened so fast and then it was like, I guess we're done here!

One thing I liked about Abby (Melissa McCarthy) was how she gave no fucks what anyone thought about them. When they were under fire she was just "who cares, we know what we're doing, let's do it." That was so refreshing. Why should they care if people believe them, they've got shit to do! That's not an attitude you often see in female characters and please, more of that. I just wish it had been in a better movie.

That Fall Out Boy song is TERRIBLE.

Feel Good Friday

We're not inhabiting a great space as a culture right now, are we? Attempts at "feel good" can feel like nothing more than whistling past the graveyard. But what else can you do? Try to be happy, or listen to lots of Joy Division or something.

I propose it's damn near impossible to not feel good while listening to these songs. So let's see if I'm right.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

a sad TBT

Welp, MCR is not reuniting or touring or anything that might have made 2016 slightly less awful. I should have known. I'm still getting a shirt with that cool logo though. Maybe the album anniversary release will feature some lost bonus tracks, or something? *GRASPS*

Anyway, here's a kickass song from Black Parade for throwback Thursday, because obviously.

The post where I try to make some kind of sense out of things

Even if it only makes sense to me.

We are living in "interesting times," and hoo boy is there a good reason why that's a curse. There's probably an argument to be made that the world, specifically the US, has been going off the rails on the crazy train for quite some time now, and social media/the general connectedness of all things has just brought it to the forefront. And also escalated it. There's no way to know that for sure, so I'm just going by what I see happening now. Remember, I live under a delightfully hobbit-sized rock most of the time, so I probably miss about 95% of the world's vitriol. Just the 5% I do see makes me want to run screaming for the hills.

Here's the main thing I think right now. It's sad that there are so many bigots out there, especially white supremecists. Like, you think that shit is just fringe groups and then it turns out they're OUT THERE. Lurking, waiting to strike. No one really comes out and says it, but everyone knows what the buzzwords are. And that's the first step towards being able to actually come out and say it. Which I think is the end goal here, even if people won't admit it. "Make America Great Again," etc. What, exactly, does that mean?

It should mean putting Americans back to work. Building infrastructure. Reopening US factories that were moved overseas to make a buck. Paying a fair wage so workers can comfortably provide for their families. You know, the American Dream, right? The one that's been bought and sold to corporations by BOTH political "sides?"

But it doesn't mean that, does it? It means "America Was Better When It Was Mostly White Ppl, Amirite? Wink, Wink." Seriously, what else do you think that means? Mostly old/middle-aged white people feel they're losing power, and they're panicking. As if they were entitled to that power all along. As if anyone different is just an interloper.

So the question we have to ask ourselves, if we feel threatened by someone who is "other," is WHY do we feel so threatened? Why the instinct to focus on differences between people, rather than similarities? Is it some kind of misguided self-preservation to lash out at people we see as "different?" Like, if they're equal, we're suddenly.... not anymore? That's not how equality works. If we view someone different being seen as equal to us as a TAKE OVER... wow, think about that. That's basically saying we don't see them as human. They're 3/5 of a person, or whatever it was back in slavery days. And no, I don't usually use hyperbolic words like "SLAVERY," but if some people are threatened by a black (or Muslim, or gay, or female) person being their equal - basically, being a person- what does that say? They feel that white (or straight, or male) people are inherently superior. That's what "making America great again" or "taking America back" boils down to. People who are used to being in power not wanting to risk losing that power to the "other." The "lesser." This is not based on pride, it's based on FEAR. We've had a black president with a foreign name now, and apparently that's just the end of everything. Not the beginning, not a chance to work together and find common ground, but the DAMN END OF AMERICA.

Isn't that kind of the opposite of everything America was founded on?

So here's the conclusion I've come to, in these crazy times. I hate Trump with every fiber of my being, but I'm glad he happened. This is a good thing. No, not if he actually becomes president, but clearly this is something that has been festering and needed to be exposed. We can't talk about a problem, and attempt to solve it, if we don't know it exists. Or the extent to which it exists. So we've learned there are a lot more bigots out there than we might have guessed. They've now been given a voice. Some of them probably wouldn't admit or even recognize that they're bigots, but that could change now that they feel empowered. Scary, yes, but it would be a lot scarier if it was still festering below, like mold under your floorboards. At least now, we know what we're dealing with.

This could be a real turning point in our culture. I hope it turns toward a future of not just forced tolerance, but real understanding, and not back to the 1800s.

I think the idea of forced tolerance is why a lot of people are angry, and I get it. But that's why it's up to all of us to find real ways of living and dealing with each other. Because it's either that, or the shitshow that's happening right now. I think it involves soul-searching more than anything else. Letting down defences, getting rid of any sense of entitlement and need for "power." If you are religious, prayer is a really good time for this kind of introspection. If not, some form of meditation. Or something, anything, that takes you out of this world and out of yourself. A place where you feel humbled by the vast scope of life, and free from your own agenda. Humility is all but lost in today's world, but I think it's a good start.

We all know the narrative of good and evil. We watch superhero movies, or read Harry Potter, or whatever. So how have so many people missed the point, and voted for the obvious corporate supervillain and FUCKING VOLDEMORT? I genuinely don't get this. How do people not see it? I try to avoid getting all moral-preachy, but here are three things that are just bad across the board: greed, dishonesty, and bigotry. Sound familiar? I guess those lessons I thought we all learned from childhood still need to be told.

Peace, and now back to our regularly scheduled music. :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Wicked Good Wednesday ~ California album playlist

First of all: SOMETHING IS GOING ON WITH MCR! Are they reuniting? New music? Tour? I don't know, but I plan to be there and buy a t-shirt. Another t-shirt. Their new logo is MCRX, denoting the 10 year anniversary of one of the greatest rock albums ever in my totally not humble opinion, Welcome to the Black Parade. So we shall see. 9/23/16. Close to Halloween. Dudes know their fanbase. :D

Anwyay, that is both exciting and somewhat relevant to today's post! I was listening to Weezer's White Album and Blink's California back to back, since they're both basically concept albums around CA, and it got me thinking. What other albums are either about, or perfectly evoke my home state? (Can you tell that every summer, I start missing LA and the beach?) Consider this an expansion of my California songs post.

So if you want that California feeling, here are some albums to get you in the mood.

1. My Chemical Romance - Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys

Of course! Not the great Black Parade, but a SUPER UNDERRATED concept album about a band of outsiders fighting against the man in post-apocalyptic LA. If that doesn't sound like the coolest thing ever, then you are wrong because it is. Well, it's awesome anyway. I love this album and it's a perfect, energetic leadoff to this playlist, even if it does have a bonus track called "We Don't Need Another Song About California." Which is awesome, btw.

2. Weezer - White Album

3. Best Coast - California Nights

Or any of Best Coast's albums, really. Modern Beach Boys-esque songs with a female vocalist.

4. Beach Boys - Pet Sounds

A lot of good music exists because of this album, and it's amazing.

5. Blink-182 - California

This album has only grown on me. "Los Angeles" is probably my favorite Blink song. If they wanna continue in that harder-edged direction, I am totally on board.

6. No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom

One of my favorite 90s albums. Their next album and most of Gwen's solo work have been disappointing, but this is a classic I still listen to. And so very CA.

7. Sublime - Self Titled

Fuck drugs. So sad we didn't get more music from these guys. At least we have this classic.

8. Blondie - Autoamerican

For a NY band, their music sounds totally LA to me. This one features the classic "The Tide is High" and the beach-rocky "T-Birds."

9. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Greatest Hits (2003)

These guys have so much material, I had to do a compilation album for this. This one features personal favorites like "Scar Tissue," "Higher Ground," "Soul to Squeeze," and of course the melancholy LA favorite, "Under the Bridge." If you want more RHCP, Stadium Arcadium and some of their early, funkier stuff fits the bill too. Also check out their latest single "Dark Necessities." It's really good!

10. Beck - Odelay!

My favorite Beck album. I lived in LA when this came out, and Beck is from there of course, so this will always remind me of LA in the 90s. I can't say enough what an amazing, visionary, genre-bending album this is. If you wanna hear a mix of pop, rock, hip-hop and even some country elements that totally WORKS, listen to Odelay! This album invites endless replays because there's so much going on. Side note: someone I knew briefly met Beck at (I think) a laundromat in Silverlake, and Beck told him he thought humans were becoming more insectlike. This would have been between Mellow Gold and Odelay I think? Like he was famous enough for my friend to recognize him, but not so famous he wouldn't be in a laundromat. Anyway, there's your LA celebrity anecdote for the day. Beck thinks we're turning into bugs, or he did back in 1990whatever. Maybe he was just high and the laundromat needed an exterminator.

11. Go-Go's - Vacation

Let's end this on a happy note! Does it get any more bright California sunshiney than the Go-Go's? This band was super influential on my music taste to this day, and I can't thank them enough.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Thursday, July 14, 2016

tbt ~ entertainment from the depths of my childhood!

This might be my throwbackiest Thursday yet. Today it just feels right to go WAY back to early childhood, and a couple videos that fellow 80s kids might remember fondly.

My young childhood was spent in a small town, and many of my fond memories involve walking from school to various places. The huge indoor pool was right next door, the rec center was an exciting walk several blocks away, and behind the school lay the wondrous convenience store filled with candy and Hostess cupcakes. But across the street was my favorite place of all, the library, where we attended after school programs a couple days a week.

Bonus throwbackiness: wee! me at a Halloween party at the library. I appear to be wearing train pajamas as a costume. idk. yolo, bitches.

I still remember several of the videos they showed us after school, probably because they showed the same ones multiple times, but we didn't care. We got Dr. Seuss a lot, especially the one about the star-bellied sneeches. We also got these two classics from the 70s. A lot of stuff from the 70s was still around in the 80s. I don't know if either of these videos are still shown to kids today. I'm guessing they stopped right around the time cartoon characters started rapping, but don't quote me on that.

First up is "Really Rosie." This one might still be around because it's based on the works of Maurice Sendak (Where the Wild Things Are), and has a classic soundtrack by Carole King. Once you hear "Chicken Soup with Rice," it will be with you forever. Man, I hope they still show this to kids. I had the soundtrack album to this too. It was a rockstar.

Next up is "Free to Be You and Me," which just might be the most 70s thing to ever exist.

Free to Be... You and Me (1974) by QzDaddy

Before yesterday when I rewatched these, I hadn't seen either since I was 6-7 years old. It's amazing how they stuck with me through the years. One thing you might notice about these is how they don't talk down to their audience. This seems normal for older kids specials, like the Peanuts cartoons and Dr. Seuss too. The kids talk like people, not precocious Disney channel turds. There aren't obnoxious, shoehorned in pop culture references, making these 70s specials possibly less dated than something made last year.

They also know kids can handle and even enjoy scary things. Neither of these specials are scary per se, but I love how they casually include things like man-eating lions and a girl ending up in a cookpot. And we loved it! No one screamed or was scarred for life. Would they even make stuff like this in today's overparenting, offended-by-everything culture? Kids like to have their boundaries pushed and imaginations tested. I'm SO GLAD I grew up in the 80s! I'm also really glad I don't have kids, just cats. Though I'm sure I'd get cat-shamed at some point if I put myself out there. Seriously, screw today's culture. Screw it right in the ear!!


... throwback Thursday, everyone! *bows*

Oh, and keep circulating the tapes... err, links. :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

And while I'm at it...

here's my obligatory, pre-emptive Ghostbusters post. I don't usually hop on these trains, but the original Ghostbusters IS my favorite movie, and has been since 1984 when wee me saw it in the theater and didn't get all the jokes but loved it anyway.

I'll start by saying I won't see this movie in the theater, because reboots are cash-grabs by design, and screw that. I'm sure I'll stream it sometime out of curiosity. So obviously this is not about the actual movie, but all the crazy shit surrounding it. Most of which I hate. So, the usual.

Much of the discussion of this movie has veered away from what it should be, the lack of original content and dependence on "reboots" to make a quick buck, and of course gone into the usual shit. "You're misogynist!" "Shut up, 'SJW'!" Sigh, remind me why I ever signed up for the internet again? I don't give a rat's ass about stupid terms like "SJW" - what's smaller than a rat's ass? A mosquito's ass? Do mosquitoes have asses? These are the places you take me to, internet. I hope you're happy.

I WANT to see movies starring women. Especially comedies. I want to see strong, funny, real women characters who are cops and doctors and waitresses and wives and mothers. You can make anyone a strong character if you write them properly. But I want to see it done with original ideas. That's all. No political crap, just make more original movies! That said, I wouldn't actually mind if this was a sequel, because I enjoy the GB franchise. The "reboot" thing bugs me, since that essentially wipes the original I loved so much from the slate. Maybe that's where that silly "ruining my childhood" crap comes from, if anyone actually says that unironically. I wouldn't go that far, but it does leave a bad taste in my mouth. Why not just make them proteges of the original Ghostbusters, so they still... exist? :/

Anyone badmouthing the movie JUST because it stars women: YOU SUCK. It's just like the "all lives matter" thing. "What about MEN?" Yes, what about men, who star in almost every action and comedy movie ever, while women are relegated to stock girlfriend roles. But here's the other side. If someone thinks a movie that happens to star women is shit, that doesn't make them sexist. If someone hates a political candidate who happens to be a woman, that doesn't make them sexist. Making everything surrounding women automatically about sexism, even when it isn't, IS SEXIST!

Because some people have invalid complaints doesn't mean all complaints are invalid, is what I'm saying.

I already mentioned this, but I really enjoyed the theme songs to the first two Ghostbusters movies. This Fall Out Boy thing is a trainwreck. That may or may not be indicative of the movie's quality, but it sure as hell doesn't get me hyped. If you want to use a FOB song in your ghost movie, might I suggest this actually cleverly-titled one?

I've come to the conclusion that, a few good songs and a decent pop punk album aside, I don't really like FOB. I tried. They're about the last people I would have picked to do a Ghostbusters theme. Maybe, idk, Bruno Mars? He's really good at recreating old, nostalgic sounds into fun new songs. Actually never mind, I don't want to drag him into this. Fall Out Boy it is!

Final point: I watched the first trailer for this thing and found it cringingly awful. Cue apologists saying "don't judge a movie by one trailer!" Um yeah, actually I will. That's kind of the job of the trailer, to make me want to see it, not run away from it screaming. It's like when people say "the single sucks, but the album is really good!" Why would a bad single make me want to listen to an album, when there are so many other albums to choose from? It's not exactly the same thing, sometimes shitty singles are chosen from good albums because radio sucks, but it's a similar mentality. If a movie is good, you should be able to make a good trailer out of it. If you can't, either the movie sucks or you should be fired, because you suck at your job.

THAT IS ALL. Now I can properly ignore the internet on the day this thing actually comes out. When I watch it, probably in a few months, I'll give a fair assessment. I hope it's either surprisingly good or rant-worthy bad, but I suspect it'll be somewhere in between. Which will be boring.

All Star Breakdown!

Damn, if I'd included "The Tenors" on my list of Canadian bands yesterday, I'd be topical AF. Unfortunately I'd never heard of them.

So in case you live under an even bigger rock than I do, "O Canada" was hijacked at last night's All Star Game by an "all lives matter" activist. That is an actual sentence I just wrote. Obviously, it's wrong to change the words to any national anthem; you're there to do your damn job. Said person no longer has said job, which is perfectly reasonable since he failed to do it. I'm sure he and whatever followers he has will consider him a martyr for that, cause that's how we roll these days. No self-reflection, no apologies. Just "haters" and martyrs.

That would be an interesting band name.

And does anyone really believe ALL lives matter? What about terrorists? I mean, I don't see anyone all-lives-mattering for the shithead who shot up the club in Orlando. It's just personal agenda crap, like everything else. It's also a trap. "How can you possibly argue with all lives matter? We're being inclusive!" Um, because I understand nuance and don't think everything has to be about me? It's yet another symptom of entitlement. "What about ME? Don't I matter?" No one said you didn't. That's kind of the point.

But! outraged Canadians (and Americans, and Norwegians, and any sentient squirrels that might have been watching) didn't have to feel too outraged for too long, because it turns out the dude is a complete nutbag.

Nice lack of perspective, buddy. He probably thinks this guy is really crushing someone's head too!

People are gonna see what they wanna see. We do not live in a good time for facts. Why is "flat earth" even a thing, anyway? It's like arguing that trees aren't made of wood. Wrong, and lacking an actual point. What do you get out of believing the earth is flat? Does it come with a snazzy t-shirt? A free toaster, maybe? Or do you just like the image of an earth a giant could eat like a big saltine? Cause that is a pretty funny image, I'll give you that.

And oh yeah, a baseball game happened. The AL won, which might be good for the Jays. Hopefully they get someone qualified to sing the anthem in that case, like Nickelback OH NO I DIDN'T!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Oh, Canada

So my adoptive country of Canada spawned has some of the worst, most inexplicably popular musical acts of recent memory. It's ok, I'm not bitter or anything. But if you judge by Nickelback, Simple Plan, and *sigh* Bieber, Canada must be a vast wasteland of crap... BUT WAIT! The little music-fan voice in your head cries out. There's Rush! What about RUSH? Rush is certainly one of the best and most enduring classic rock bands out there, but are they enough to cancel out the unholy trinity of suck?

Of course not. Are you high? I said Nickelback, Simple Plan, and Bieber. These aren't even artists, they're walking punchlines. How has Canada produced three of the lowest common denominators of three different genres? Or better question, why did America import them so enthusiastically? Surely America has enough crap of its own? But no, crappy music seems to be one of Canada's principal exports.

No, I don't know why. This isn't a social studies paper. I'm as confused as the rest of you.

Before I discuss some Canadian artists: this is coming from someone who spent the majority of her life in the US, and is not in any way comprehensive of Canadian music. I've lived in Canada for four years. In that time, because I don't listen to the radio, I haven't really heard any current Canada-unique music. I know the same stuff folks in the US do, and that's the perspective I'm coming from. I have checked out a few songs from current, popular Canadian country artists that haven't hit the US, and so far haven't been impressed. Kinda the same stuff as the US charts, but watered down. Which isn't to say there isn't good, mainstream Canadian country; I've only listened to a handful of tracks. I know nothing about the rock scene here. Once Nickelback'd, twice shy. And pop? Not only did Canada give us Bieber, it gave us a backup Bieber. That "Stitches" guy. That guy is spared my ultimate wrath only by not being Charlie Puth.

... Charlie Puth is not Canadian. Okay, whew. He could be though. He probably should be. And that's kind of the problem. Okay, let's go!

Barenaked Ladies - I actually like this band. Not love, but generally enjoy. They're a lot more than "One Week" and sitcom themes. "Brian Wilson" is amazing, and I heard some recent stuff that was just good, melodic pop-rock. This is probably the closest thing Canada has to Weezer and no, they're not as good as Weezer. But they're definitely worth delving into deeper if you've only heard their cheesier, popular stuff. It's like only hearing "Beverly Hills" and thinking that's Weezer. Good God, I feel like I just blasphemed by typing that.

New Pornographers - I love this band, but Canada only gets partial credit because Neko Case is from Virginia. Still, a partial New Pornographers credit is something to brag about. I listened to Electric Version so much back in the day that I couldn't listen to it again for YEARS, even though it's one of my favorite albums. If you love well-crafted, ultra melodic indie rock, this album will melt your brain in the best way. Listen to "The Laws Have Changed." Let it soak in. Then listen to... everything else. You can't go wrong with this band.

Drake - Yeah, his "music" is pretty terrible. I considered including him in the unholy trinity, making it an... unholy rectangle? but couldn't quite do it. You could say he does to hip-hop what the other three do to pop, rock and pop-punk, but I see two differences in Drake. Unlike the others, he's not actually punchable as a human being. He's quite charismatic. Why that doesn't come out in his music, I HAVE NO IDEA. And because of that, I hold out that he has some potential... somewhere... if he ever decides to wake up. Seriously, does this guy wear his pajamas to the recording studio?

The Weeknd - I liked "Can't Feel My Face?"

Avril Lavigne - What a waste of talent. She's like a reverse growth chart. At 17: "Why you have to go and make things so complicated?" At 30: "HELLO KITTY HELLO KITTY KA-WA-IIIIII!" What the hell, indeed. Not saying she was ever deep and amazing, but she has a cool voice and I still listen to "Losing Grip" and "Complicated." I get that you'd want to move away from "angsty teen," but when angsty teen is your more mature career move, that's a problem.

Sum 41 - I just found out this band is Canadian. Um, I don't really have an opinion of them. They're pop punk. Better than Simple Plan, not as good as Blink. I think they had some kind of whiny stuff that turned me off back in the day? "I don't want to waste my time, become another casualty of society.
I'll never fall in line, Become another victim of your conformity" OH GOD NO TURN THAT OFF that's some Simple Plan shit right there! Darn you, Canada. To be fair, they seem to have actually matured. I gave their latest song "Fake My Own Death" a listen and it's surprisingly rockin'. Seriously. So, whatever. That's my opinion of most of these bands, honestly. Whatever.

Crash Test Dummies - MMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMM. Also just found out these guys are Canadian, so maybe they were enjoying a delicious Tim Horton's donut the whole time?

Tegan and Sara - And here's where I feel woefully uneducated, because by most accounts they're actually good and I've only heard a couple of their songs. Consider this a placeholder.

Triumph - When I first heard this band - actually wait. When I thought I first heard this band, they were introduced to me as "the other Canadian rock band," and I liked what I heard. I made a joke about Triumph the insult comic dog, because that was the time we were living in. Then one of their songs "Fight the Good Fight" was featured at the end of a Supernatural ep, one of the ones with Dean and Sam driving off in a cloud of awesome music, so yeah. It's that kind of band. BUT, it turns out I really first heard them waaaaay back in 1986, when they had an MTV hit called "Somebody's Out There." I liked that song. I liked it a lot. It sounds like a Journey song, which is probably why I liked it. Yeah, it's definitely a more polished, mainstream rock sound than their earlier stuff, but... DAMMIT I STILL LIKE IT. It's catchy, it has a huge 80s arena rock chorus, of course I like it! Triumph is definitely one of the better bands to come out of Canada, and not just "that other rock band."

Bachman-Turner Overdrive - made a couple 70s ultra-classics. I never looked into them beyond that, but these guys definitely made their contribution to rock. You could say they "took care of business" NO NO DON'T SAY THAT!!

The Guess Who - pretty much same as above. I dig "No Sugar Tonight."

Carly Rae Jepsen - Oh God, "Call Me Maybe" was the bane of my existence for a while. I'd managed to avoid it, but then once I heard it it was EVERYWHERE. Those were dark times. Apparently her last album was actually fun retro 80s stuff, but meh. Once called me maybe'd, twice shy.

Bryan Adams - I LOVED Bryan Adams growing up, and honestly his 80s albums are pretty decent. Think "Cuts Like a Knife," "Run to You," and "Summer of '69," not "Everything I Do (I Do It For Boring Adult Contemporary Radio)". Man, that's a cumbersome title.

Celine Dion - I'm not into this kind of music at all, so not much to say. She has a good voice and other than that overplayed Titanic dreck, she seems fine for people who like this sort of thing.

Joni Mitchell/Leonard Cohen/Gordon Lightfoot- I'm not really into folk music either, and this is very much my parents' music, but these are all obviously legends. What Canada taketh away from rock and pop, it giveth in folk icons. Or something. "Big Yellow Taxi" is a favorite, and I swear it gets more relevant every year.

Paul Brandt - OMG, "I Do" is one of my favorite 90s country ballads. If I'd had music at my wedding, it would have been that song. I don't remember if he had any other hits, but that one's a standout for me.

Terri Clark - She had some fun 90s hits like "Better Things To Do." Another of those 90s artists that had a few hits and disappeared, at least in the US.

Shania Twain - I've already discussed Shania, so briefly: While she had some genuinely stupid hits, she also had some really enjoyable ones, as well as a lot of charisma. "Any Man of Mine," "No One Needs to Know," and "Love Gets Me Every Time" is some insanely catchy pop-country with personality. Her unique sound lends itself well to nostalgia, and I think she'll be remembered fondly overall. (Not by staunch traditionalists, obviously.)

DID I MISS ANYONE?? Yeah, probably. This was all off the top of my head, cause I like to test myself. If I forgot someone, so be it. So what does it all mean? I'd say the aggregate score is a solid "meh," which considering the low peaks are the aforementioned unholy trinity + Drake, really isn't too bad. There are some definite standouts too. Guess I'll never know why so much Canadian crap makes its way south. Maybe we're just trying to get rid of it.

On another note, I'm just glad I moved to Canada before I had to feel any moral compunction to vote for a slimy crook over literal satan. I don't know what happened to you in my absence, America. Maybe my leaving made you fall apart. If so, I'm really sorry and OH LOOK, A SHITTY RAPPER FROM TORONTO! *dashes off*

Friday, July 08, 2016

Feel Good Friday ~ the good, the bad, the California

This blog has been keeping me sane lately. Hurray for sanity!

Let's finish the week as it began, with songs about or featuring my home state of California. There are a TON of songs throughout time that mention CA, obviously, so I'll be focusing on some favorites.

"Thank you for your wine, California, Thank you for your sweet and bitter fruits."

One of my top favorite classic rock songs. I wasn't alive during this time, but I feel the energy of the late 60s/early 70s whenever I listen to this. It's still incredibly potent. And that line about CA really resonates with me.

"It's a long day livin' in Reseda, There's a freeway runnin' through the yard."

I lived in Reseda. There are freeways everywhere. The struggle is real. (But at least it's not Van Nuys.)

"Why would you live anywhere else? We've got the ocean, got the babes
Got the sun, we've got the waves, This is the only place for me."

A fun, jangly love song to CA. Why would you live anywhere else? Well, in the 80s and 90s I would have agreed with you. But, having lived in the LA area again from 2011-2012... I recommend living somewhere else. Unless you're very rich and don't mind spending literally half your life in traffic. And you better live right at the beach if you wanna go (see: very rich), because parking is non-existent. Still, a cool song from kind of a fantasy perspective. This is like, Baywatch-era California.

"California nights, Make me feel so happy I could die, But I try to stay alive."

This song feels exactly like when you've been swimming too long, but don't want to get out of the water.

"Now don't you cry another night about me, In this city I've got angels all around me."

A beautiful, underrated Miranda song, the story of a young woman who leaves her family and small Texas town to go to L.A. While I'm pretty sure those aren't angels all around you (unless angels are made of smog), I have no doubt she's "strong just like you prayed I'd be."

Can you see I have a love/hate relationship with L.A.? :P

"You were the biggest fish out here, You should have never gone to Hollywood."

And here's the other, darker side of the coin. One of SOAD's best songs. I know, not exactly feel good, but I love dark songs about sunny places. That's kind of been the theme this week. (And thank you, Blink-182, for that.)

I already talked about these songs when I discussed the album, but they needed to be included. And seriously, that album artwork. I need that in my life.

"Some dance to remember, some dance to forget."

Possibly the original "dark California" rock song? Yeah, this is one of my favorite songs since like, ever, and is probably a big reason I'm drawn to this aesthetic. There's something so enticing about finding the dark in the light, especially when the light might be a trick. It's like uncovering the truth. It's also wonderfully creepy.

Okay, we need another happy song!

Noooo... darn you Rivers Cuomo and your seductive ennui! Okay, here we go.

"And if you're up all night, Thinking about some thing you did
The California kids, Will show you the sunshine."

Because sometimes, the sun really is sunny. And those are good times.

"Old days are fine, but are left so far behind, From California to Jane Street.
Kids alright, alright as they'll ever be, Cause you will always be my sweet 16."

A genuinely sweet song about a couple's journey together, geographically and emotionally, based on Billie Joe Armstrong and his wife. Aww.

I already discussed The Maine's "Birthday in Los Angeles," but seriously check it out. A very well-written song that will resonate if you've ever felt out of place somewhere.

Well, what say you, My Chemical Romance?

Oh, okay. I guess I'm done here.

Next week, I will tackle the difficult subject of Canadian music. Can I finally answer the question of whether Rush is awesome enough to cancel out... almost everything else*, without getting kicked out of the country? Stay tuned!

*seriously Canada, Nickleback, Bieber, and Simple Plan? Why you gotta hurt me. :(

Thursday, July 07, 2016

tbt ~ when pop was pop and MTV played videos

Doesn't get much more throwbacky than that.

I still love early Mariah Carey. While I hear her songs in my 90s playlist quite often, I had a hankering to go back and watch some of her old videos. These are from back in the day when MTV still played lots of videos, and I still watched lots of MTV. Because I was a teenager. So was seeing these videos for the first time in 25 years as big of a nostalgia blast as I hoped?

Hell yeah it was!!

The one that started it all, "Vision of Love." I was obsessed with this song and video. And her hair. This video made me get a perm. A giant, poodly 80s perm and I am NOT ASHAMED. I just wish I'd looked this good.

After that one song/video, she was everywhere. And it's easy to see why. Her voice was instantly recognizable, and she put out one great song after another. I also liked the (for lack of a better word) wholesome image she had at the time, as this was when Madonna was transforming from "sexy rebel" to "sexual for the sake of being sexual," so Mariah was a refreshing change. (Ugh, do not get me started on the unmusic that is "Justify My Love" again.)

This next video is amazing. It has a random like, wombat or something in it. She hits that high note and then boom! sudden marsupial. I miss the 90s.

Okay, it's not a wombat. Or a lemur. A wallaby?? I'm feeling woefully uneducated about marsupials now. Questioning my life choices.

That might be her prettiest song, and that's saying something. Man, every one of these videos just takes me back instantly. I loved this time. Maybe it's because I was a teenager, and that's the time we all tend to remember rosily, but -- I was a miserable teenager. I was one Morrissey CD away from utter despair. (I did not ever own a Morrissey CD. I did have that Smiths one with "There is a Light" though.) So why the hell would I remember that fondly?? Maybe the music was just actually better, and pop culture was more fun. (Except for Morrissey.)

I eventually lost track of Mariah's career, as I got more into country and alt-rock than pop. I remember she eventually did the sexy video sellout - hey, at least it took her longer than it takes today's "stars." While I may not have followed her past her first few albums, those are AMAZING, classic pop albums I still listen to. As of now, I'd say Mariah was the last truly great pop star. As music becomes more and more disposable and inorganic, I wonder if we'll ever have another quite like that. I do like Lady Gaga, but she's not quite on that tier yet, legacy-wise. Also, she hasn't released an album in a while. We'll see how Adele's career shapes up too. I think she's great, but I'm disappointed her recent songs have been passed over for vile things like "Panda." BLECCH. You kids don't know what's good for you!

Okay I think I officially just died. BYEE

Choose your focus

I hate pretty much every part of our current "culture," but there's a big beautiful world out there that's (mostly) free of these human constructs. I try to focus on nature, animals, the beauty of God's creations. Also, while many humans seem focused on making the world as ugly as possible, there are people out there saving animals. Making meaningful music. Brewing yummy beer. Going out of their way to be inclusive to others. It's actually pretty easy to drop out of the culture of ugly. The politics, the drama, the constant negativity. Change your focus, choose your focus, and say NO. Yell it, if you have to! I've yelled NO! right at my computer when I found myself drawn into something ugly. It confuses my cats, but it also nips the desire to gaze at the trainwreck right in the bud. And, the kitties get snuggles afterwards. So win/win.

Always, always help when you can. And block out the rest, cause it's not doing you or anyone else any good. And most importantly, don't be a dick. That's the biggest contribution most of us can make to the world, sad as that may be.

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Wicked Good Wednesday ~ Don't stop listening to rock and roll

If I had to thank any band for my renewed interest in modern alt-rock (besides Weezer and their last two amazing albums), it would be The Maine. It's one thing getting back into a band you used to love, but discovering a new band you love is like discovering a new continent.


I can't believe I just got into these guys last December. It feels like I've known them forever. Thing is, I don't really know how to describe The Maine. Alt rock with some pop punk influences, especially in their earlier work. But their sound is more varied than that description lets on. I can't really compare them to another band either. Sometimes they sound influenced by bands like Jimmy Eat World and All-American Rejects, sometimes more classic rock, sometimes there's an almost folk element in there. All I can tell you is the big picture is really, really good. I'd describe them as not a very heavy band, more leaning towards melody and lyricism, but then they give me a classic style riff that knocks me on my ass and I wake up and it's Tuesday. I just don't know, is what I'm saying. So why don't I let the music speak for itself.

Their first album Can't Stop Won't Stop is the most poppy, but not in a bad way. This is probably my least favorite of their albums, but only because their sound expanded so much after this. Still, you get gems of the genre like "I Must Be Dreaming," "Everything I Ask For," and "Count Em One Two Three." I guess this album sounds the most of its time? It has kind of an All-American Rejects, etc. vibe to me. I liked a lot about that time in music, but their next albums have more of a timeless rock feel. This song makes me all kinds of happy, though.

Their second album Black and White features three of my favorite Maine songs: "Growing Up," "Colors," and "Don't Stop Now." The album has an uplifting pop-rock sound that's just fun to listen to. This is them starting to come into their own, I think. "Growing Up" is a beautiful, old school by-God anthem, with the iconic line "growing up won't bring us down." This could be straight out of an 80s arena rock playlist.

This brings us to Pioneer, which might be my favorite of their albums? It's definitely the hardest, most classic rock influenced, which obviously appeals to me. Check out this opening riff:

This song is such a hidden gem on the album. Another great riff, and beautiful lyrics:

My favorite song from this album will be at the end of the post!

Then we get to their most interesting and experimental album, Forever Halloween. Two of the first, and completely different-sounding, songs I got into from them are here, "Love and Drugs" and "Birthday in Los Angeles." They're still probably my favorite Maine songs, actually. This isn't my favorite album, which isn't to say I don't love it. The album cover is simple black with a skeleton, which of course appealed to me as I love anything creepy and Halloweeny. It's funny though, because they aren't really a gothy, Hot Topic-y band at all. But yeah, despite the sunny, upbeat "Love and Drugs," I guess this is their darkest album. Songs like "Forever Halloween," "Fucked Up Kids," "Happy," and the amazing "Birthday in Los Angeles" do fit that vibe. They're just not a very dark band. Something about the instrumentation makes me want to smile and hold up a lighter.

This next track has become one of my favorite songs, period. I love the kind of gritty folk-rock vibe, and the lyrics on this thing! "This ain't my birthday party, it's just a fashion show. Yeah this is something, it just isn't me, So long L.A." Did I mention I love dark songs about California? Because I do! And this might be the best one yet. (And yes, Murder House is my favorite season of AHS. That seemed relevant, suddenly.)

Finally, we get to 2015's sparkling, career-defining American Candy. I feel like this is my favorite because it kind of hits you like, BAM! This is The Maine. This is their signature sound. Their next album might sound completely different, and I kinda hope it does, but I think this will always define them for me, like Murmur defines REM. I don't know what modern rock radio plays anymore, but to me this album is radio-friendly in the BEST way. The hooky-and-well-produced-music way, not the "here's a dumb trend we're gonna squeeze dry" way. There is nothing trendy about The Maine, and that's probably the biggest compliment I could give anybody. Just pure music that obviously took effort, yet seems effortless.

If I had heard this in time, it would have made my top albums of 2015. I'll remedy that this year, along with a couple other albums.

"They've got American candy, for the American kids." Yesssss kids, take the candy, take it! Just don't get in the van.

Love the lyrics on this next one.

Anthem alert! These guys are really good at making these.

If, like me, you grew up with 80s and 90s radio, The Maine is a friendly, accessible band in these uncertain days. Catchy and melodic with quirky, insightful lyrics and the kind of crisp instrumentation the music world seems to have forgotten we like. Their albums are varied in sound so they invite repeated listens. Some of the songs hit you right away, others grow on you and have even more staying power. Unlike some samey-sounding pop punk bands that are immediately catchy but can wear thin, you won't get tired of The Maine. They're more like Weezer that way.

And while I feel they'll appeal to 80s and 90s kids, this is not a throwback band at all. They are, to me, a natural evolution of the rock/pop I grew up with. Even their own discography is an interesting evolution, as I tried to show here. I can't wait to see what they do next. A band like this, and the fact that they're popular with teens and 20somethings, gives me some hope the future of music won't be all artificial, disposable crap. Long live rock and roll.

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Dear millennials.

I'm sure I've talked some shit about millennials on here, and it's not unwarranted. Today's popular music is crap and millennials are the target audience, which means they're mostly responsible since they're buying/streaming/vining(???) it. THANKS. Thanks, especially, for that exciting hip-hop sound of "about to slip into a coma." That was a great idea.

Sarcasm aside, some of you are awesome. Some of you are out there buying Weezer on vinyl which automatically makes you cooler than me, as I don't even own a turntable. But let's move beyond music for a moment, which is hard for me to do as I tend to judge everything through music. Clearly, millennials are not the problem in the big picture of the world. Old, scared people are. My older relatives are open-minded and lovely, but apparently some of y'all aren't so lucky. Millennials might buy shitty Drake records, but at least they're not afraid of everything and everyone that's different from them. So I'd like to issue a sincere apology. I'm sorry, from the bottom of my cold, dark, gen-x heart. Maybe someday you'll make the world a better place. I hope so. Just remember that music is supposed to sound like it has a pulse. That's all I ask of you.


New Music Tuesday ~ wearing black to the beach

One thing I didn't think I'd be doing in 2016 is talking about a Blink-182 album, much less downloading it. Green Day, sure. Weezer, absofrickinlutely. But Blink is a band I thought I'd left squarely back in the 90s, or at least the early 2000s. A band you'd expect to naturally outgrow.

Then I heard the song "Bored to Death" and it really grabbed me. A couple positive reviews later and I was listening to the whole album. If you never liked their old stuff, this album probably won't change your mind (unless you're an Alkaline Trio fan). But if you're like me and liked some of their stuff("Dammit" and "The Rock Show" are great songs) without getting really "into" them, California might have some appeal. Let's run down a few things.

1. Matt Skiba of Alkaline Trio is a huge upgrade over Tom Delonge. I'm sorry, fans, but it's true. His contributions are probably the top reason I like this album so much, as it really sounds like a Blink-Alkaline hybrid at times.

2. I didn't realize I felt nostalgic for Blink until I listened to this album. That's a rare feat to pull off, making new music that automatically releases a wave of nostalgia, but it's the best feeling.

3. I really like music about California. I'm from there, so that makes sense. Doesn't really matter if it's negative or positive. This album is called California, and has songs called "Los Angeles," "San Diego," and you guessed it, "California," which are three of the most interesting tracks. "California," especially, is a kinda trippy song with a different and well-earned sound for the band. I'm impressed. The lyrics are bleak and genuinely evocative, which is not a word I'd expect to use in a Blink review.

"Beige little boxes in a row
Neighbors and friends that you don't know
Here's a form go wait in line
Can't you see I'm doing fine
It's what I've always wanted

Two little kids out on the lawn
Once we had love now it's gone
Good things haven't happened yet
I'm empty as a movie set
It's what I've always wanted"

Damn. I'm feelin' ya.

4. The album cover artwork!!! I want a print of that. It's creepy and beautiful.

This album feels really fresh; it's not a gimmicky, throwback record, this is clearly the band moving forward with a more mature, yet somehow even catchier sound. It will take you back to the 90s at times, and I think that has to do with the energy. It has the "full of life" feeling of an early project, with the polish of a later project.

Did I mention this might be their catchiest work ever? You get melodic, ear-pleasing songs like "Teenage Satellites," "Left Alone," "Kings of the Weekend" and "Bored to Death," mixed in with fun, short rockers like "Cynical" and "The Only Thing that Matters." And as I mentioned earlier, songs that really push the band's sound and work, like the harder-edged "Los Angeles" and more stripped-down "California." The production overall is bright and clear and well-suited to the band.

I don't know if this will make my top albums of the year, as it's not as substantive as say, Brandy Clark's album, or even Weezer's, but it is a fun, dark, and ultimately very rewarding surprise that should make my honorable mentions. It's the best thing they could have released, and I'm gonna be listening to this all summer. Man, do I love dark summer songs. "Wearing black to the beach," a line from "California," pretty much sums this up perfectly.

"Left Alone" is probably my favorite track. Great melody and a real showcase for Matt Skiba's voice.